Vote Matthew in the CCA Elections

My contract with you.

Listening. Starts. Now.


Complete my 4 question survey and tell me what you want changed.

Matthew's CCA Survey

  • Current Your details
1. Do you know who the CCA are, what they do and how they can support you?
I know everything the CCA has to offer me.
I've heard of the CCA and know some of the things they offer, but not everything.
I may have heard of the CCA, but I don't know what it has to offer me or really does.
2. Could you name the CCA Board members, or your representative?
3. How valuable have you found the CCA is in your role as a Councillor?
I would like to be kept up-to-date by the Conservatives on future issues that matter to me: There will be an easy way to opt out of future messages. For more information on how we handle your data and your rights, please see our Privacy Policy.